Juan Rufino M. Reyes

Juan Rufino M. Reyes

Juan is a PhD student in Economics at King’s Business School. His research interest is in the area of macroeconomic nowcasting. Currently, he is exploring the use of machine learning to augment traditional models utilized in estimating key economic indicators, such as the output gap and trade balance. Within this research area, Juan is also investigating the use of Natural Language Processing (NLP) to generate high-frequency and unconventional data. One of the key objectives of his research is to support timely and data-driven policies to foster sound economic decision-making. Additionally, he aims to contribute to the growing body of literature on the efficacy of machine learning in economics.

Before starting his PhD journey at King’s, Juan earned his Master of Public Policy degree from the University of Tokyo (UTokyo) under the Joint Japan/World Bank Graduate Scholarship Program (JJ/WBGSP). He also holds a Master of Arts in Development Policy from De La Salle University. Juan is a recipient of the King’s Business School – Economic Statistics Centre of Excellence (KBS-ESCoE) studentship.

PhD Student

King's College London


PhD students

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